Baichung Bhuttia on Wednesday added fuel to the commonwealth games fire, saying that the country should not have hosted the event in the first place. The Indian football captain's scathing attack comes at a time when corruption scandals are adversely affecting the build-up, just two months before before the games open. Organising committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi has already convened an emergency executive board meeting, while a three-member panel has been formed to investigate the alleged financial irregularities.
Baichung, however, didn't mince words i pointing out that India are not ready for the games and what is coming out is tarnishing the country's image.
"It's not a good idea to host the Games. What are the parameters for hosting a good Game? Fancy roads, which we have. Fancy airport,which we have. But what we don't have is proper infrastructure. The government is not aware of the real picture of our infrastructure", he said during an interaction with reporters.
"We don't have enough athletes to project on the international stage. the number of synthetic tracks is also few in number. the grounds are not ready. there are not many hockey astroturfs in India. Even a nation called malaysia is is better placed to host the games. It's sad but true. We should not have bid for the Games," he staed catagorically.
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